The Interactive & Immersive HQ

The Top 10 Interactive & Immersive Blog Articles

Over the last several years, I’ve written over 100 articles covering all aspects of Interactive and Immersive tech and media.

What follows are 10 of the best. They’re the ones that people have viewed and shared the most, as well as those that have prompted readers to reach out to me to provide positive feedback.

Without further ado, and in no particular order, here are The Top 10 Interactive & Immersive Blog Articles (click any of the titles to view the corresponding article):

  1. TouchDesigner beginner tricks
  2. TouchDesigner Operators You Need To Know
  3. Developing Large-scale TouchDesigner Projects
  4. GLSL terms you need to know for TouchDesigner
  5. How to Spec a TouchDesigner PC (3-Part Series)
  6. TouchDesigner CHOP Shuffling Demystified
  7. The Analogy of Interactive Media Installations
  8. Mega-projects with Matthew Ragan
  9. Pixel Packing with TouchDesigner, openFrameworks, Processing
  10. TouchDesigner Python Tricks