The Interactive & Immersive HQ

New TouchDesigner Website Tour

Over the last few weeks you’ve probably been greeted by a new and shiny website for Derivative’s TouchDesigner. It’s been a long time request from users and Derivative have delivered. But why do we need a whole blog post about it? Well there’s a few reasons. For pros, a bunch of things have shifted around to new places, and for new users and pros, there are lots of new features on the website that are worth exploring. Let’s dive in!

New forum

Can you hear the angels singing?? The great forum that has always been a wealth of knowledge for all users has seen a major upgrade. From it’s previous and dated look, it has been migrated to a new Discourse-based platform. Discourse is really modern and has a lot of great features, such as notifications, messaging, colorized categories, strong searching, and more. Look at it’s beauty:

It brings tears to my eyes. If you were an older forum user who has moved on to the Facebook help group or the Discord, I highly recommend revisiting the forum. You can get there in the top menu under “Learn” and then “Forum” or by going to

Community area

You all know by now that I’m a big community guy. I think our great community is the reason TouchDesigner has been so successful all over the world. It was sometimes hard in the past to figure out what community members are up to. You’d try to check the Facebook group, or the Discord, or the forum, or on people’s blogs…but there was never one go to place for that. There is now!

This part of the new website is great! It gathers posts from users about upcoming events, new assets, blog posts, tutorials, and more all in one easy to scroll page. You can also search and filter by those different types of community updates:

If you have some free time and want to read some blog posts or tutorials, easy to find! If you’re looking for a good travel excuse, it’s easy to just get a giant list of workshops happening around world. This is one of the features I’m most excited for and will hopefully get exposure for a lot of our member’s non-project based work whether they’re new to the scene or part of the old-guard.

Resources area

One of the cool areas that will grow with time is the new resource area. This is the area that holds more formal and structured resources about TouchDesigner. If you’re looking for blog posts or quick tutorial posts, those are going to be in the community area. But if you’re looking for a university that teaches TouchDesigner, or some books you can buy or read online about TouchDesigner, then the resources area is what you’re looking for.

You can find this new resources area under “Learn” and then “Resources” section of the website.

Get Our 7 Core TouchDesigner Templates, FREE

We’re making our 7 core project file templates available – for free.

These templates shed light into the most useful and sometimes obtuse features of TouchDesigner.

They’re designed to be immediately applicable for the complete TouchDesigner beginner, while also providing inspiration for the advanced user.

Downloads and Wikis

And for you more experienced folks, two things you’ll probably want quick access to: downloads and the wiki. Downloads can be easily accessed by the “Get it now” button in the top right of the page.

For the wiki, I’ve found it’s easier to just go straight to or you can go to “Learn” and then “User guide” and then click the “Go To Wiki Format” button near the top of the page:

Wrap up

My hope is that these call outs help you take advantage of the new TouchDesigner website. There are a lot of cool features that you can start taking advantage of today and lots more resources that will start to come from our community. Enjoy!