The Interactive & Immersive HQ

TouchDesigner Optimization Online Workshop

New year, new initiatives

For the new year, we’re going to be unveiling a few new initiatives. The first are regular online workshops. They will be on a number of topics around immersive installations and interactive technology, including many TouchDesigner-focused workshops. They will be short (2-3 hour) deep dives on single topics including a short question & answer period. We will keep limited seating on the live workshops so that I can get talking with participants about their real world use cases and challenges. If you register for the workshop and miss it, you’ll still be able to download the recording to watch on your own free time. I can’t stress enough that seating is limited so book your spot!

Stay tuned for our second new initiative coming out soon!

TouchDesigner Workshop #1

Why worry about optimization?

What can be said about optimization. It’s the thing you only think about when things aren’t working properly. It’s not particularly entertaining, artistic, or rewarding. Your only reward is that your system works again! Those thoughts aside, have your mind on optimization can allow you to push your systems beyond what you thought was possible. In real-time work, having more headroom and system capabilities means that you can experiment more and push more artistic boundaries. That’s why I think it’s a great first online workshop topic. I’m always surprised by how little attention optimization gets when it’s such a factor when it comes to 24/7 installations or mission-critical systems for events that need to be stable and fast.

Optimization is something I do almost everyday. I find myself optimizing our own projects where we’re trying to make sure systems are stable and resilient. Other times I’m consulting on projects of other developers who would like to take their systems and make them run faster and smoother. This workshop is designed for anyone who’s been using TouchDesigner and considers themselves an intermediate user and has used TouchDesigner commercially on projects. It will be a crash course in optimization and a lot of information will fly at you in a short amount of time!

Get Our 7 Core TouchDesigner Templates, FREE

We’re making our 7 core project file templates available – for free.

These templates shed light into the most useful and sometimes obtuse features of TouchDesigner.

They’re designed to be immediately applicable for the complete TouchDesigner beginner, while also providing inspiration for the advanced user.

Workshop details:

Date: January 12th, 2017

Time: 1pm PST / 4pm EST / 9pm UTC

Duration: 2 hours

Available seats: 15

Workshop Objectives:

  • Learn common bottlenecks
  • Introduction to diagnostic tools
  • Learn best practices for high-performance systems
  • Configure Windows for tear/stutter-free playback
  • Configure TouchDesigner for multi-output installations


  • Intermediate knowledge of TouchDesigner
  • Basic of Python scripting in TouchDesigner


This event was in the past, sorry!