The Interactive & Immersive HQ

The Interactive & Immersive Championship Watch

Hexagonal logo with the text "The Interactive & Immersive Championship" written within. The design, crafted with TouchDesigner, features circuit-like lines connected to the words.

Watch The Final Round of The Interactive & Immersive Championship LIVE on July 25th at 12 PM Eastern Time Here:

The first ever Interactive & Immersive Championship is over and it was awesome! Check back for updates on the next Championship, and watch highlights from the last one here:


Click the button below to add The Championship Event – including the link to watch it – to your calendar. Once the file downloads, just open it with your favorite calendar/email application.

The Interactive & Immersive Championship is a great chance to get an inside look into how the pros build, optimize, and craft generative and interactive media using TouchDesigner, Notch, Unity, Processing, Max, and many more! There will even be Q&A sessions for viewers to ask competitors questions during and after the competition.


Industry experts, high-end developers, and well-known artists will be hosting, commentating, and judging the challenges as they are happening live. The hosts will be interacting with Twitch chat and answering your questions during the challenges.


But most important, this is a chance for us to come together as a community and celebrate the art and technology we live, breathe, and love.


So don’t miss out – fill out the form below to RSVP and join us live on Twitch on July 11th and July 25th at 12pm Eastern Time! We’ll send you a calendar invite and link for the event, as well as important updates and information about The Championship. 
