The Interactive & Immersive HQ

Text on a black background in large white fonts reads "THE INTERACTIVE & IMMERSIVE HQ" created with TouchDesigner.
A white logo featuring a stylized combination of the letters "K" and "O," inspired by TouchDesigner, on a black background.

Turn on God Mode in Touch Designer with GLSL Shaders

A laptop screen displays a virtual meeting with a multimedia presentation created in TouchDesigner. On the left, abstract graphics are shown, while on the right, a participant appears on a video call with a room in the background.

Want to create large-scale video arrays and real-time LED facades that span high rises?

How about build installations that use GPU particle systems, volumetric lighting, and multi-composite operators?

As lots of you know, this is all possible with TouchDesigner – sort of.

Out-of-the-box Touch is great when you’re just starting out.

But as you start taking on bigger projects and your clients start to want more generative and technical content, you can run into serious difficulties, and the cracks in your work can begin to show.

Problems typically fall into two categories:

  1. Workflows that should be simple become bloated and tedious. Anyone who has tried to composite a large number of icons on screen when working on data viz has experienced this first-hand.
  2. Performance issues such as low frame rates become unmanageable and in some cases unresolvable without GLSL pipelines, requiring time-consuming workarounds. In some cases, these kinds of technical issues become unresolvable. 

When these things inevitably occur, the standard TouchDesigner functionality and nodes only get you so far…

And it doesn’t take very long before you have to explain to your client that you’re unable to deliver what they’re asking for.

Lucky for us, we can leverage the code that TouchDesigner was built with to create installations of virtually unlimited scale and technical capability.

We do this by learning how to program GLSL Shaders. Based on C, GLSL is the programming language on which much of TouchDesigner was created.

When you understand how to apply GLSL to TouchDesigner, you’re effectively turning on “God Mode.”

That’s why we created our course, Turn on God Mode in TouchDesigner with GLSL Shaders.”

A complex digital network diagram crafted in TouchDesigner features image processing nodes connected by lines, displaying images of a crescent moon and moths. Color charts and technical data are also visible.

In it, instructor Elburz Sorkhabi covers the following concepts:

  • How to create operators in TouchDesigner using GLSL: Once you learn how to do this, you can customize TouchDesigner however you like. This is the knowledge required to overcome the problems faced when trying to scale your projects up to large resolutions and high framerates.
  • Never programmed C – let alone GLSL Shaders – a day in your life? No worries: we start right from the beginning and assume zero knowledge of either language. We’ll cover common terms, best-practices, and basic setup before diving into practical examples in 2D.
  • We walk you through everything necessary to begin importing GPU code from This gives you access to thousands of shaders that you can use for inspiration or as direct resources right in your installations.
  • Build your own compositing operators using advanced GLSL techniques such a multiple output buffers, texture arrays, sampler buffers, and more. These tools are what ALL pros use when performing large and complex compositing pipelines for high resolution and high framerate projects.
  • We provide you with our personal project file templates. These templates have made our instructor, Elburz, thousands of dollars and are the result of years of trial and error.
A dark-themed data visualization interface built in TouchDesigner, displaying three connected charts with colorful graphs and scatter plots, used for analyzing and comparing multidimensional data.
A person with long dark hair is smiling, wearing a light pink collared shirt, and facing the camera against a plain white background, effortlessly embodying the creativity and sophistication often seen in TouchDesigner projects.

Crystal Jow

Experiential Media Artist

“The Interactive and Immersive HQ PRO is an essential tool for new and experienced TouchDesigner creators who want to take their practice to the next level.”

Immediately after you’ve finished this course, you’ll have everything you need to incorporate GLSL into your TouchDesigner work, just like the pros do.

More importantly, you’ll be able to take on bigger, more exciting projects and meet your client’s expectations with ease. And until [date/time], I’m offering Turn on God Mode in TouchDesigner with GLSL Shaders for 40% off ($75, regular $125).

Buy “Turn on God Mode in TouchDesigner with GLSL Shaders” for 40% Off 100% Money Back Guarantee:

If you’re unhappy in any way, just send us an email within 30 days and we’ll give you 100% of your money back, no questions asked.